
Accounting Software for Automotive & Engineered Components Manufacturers.

Product / Customer database.

GST Sales Invoice module.

Automatically generate rate difference debit note invoices.

Auto generate csv file for uploading on the SAP system.

Generate E-invoicing & E-waybill without opening GST portal.

Invoice printing with IRN / Ewaybill Details also digitally signed.

Barcode / QR Code printing with total invoice details.

ASN based barcode printing on the invoice.

Digitally signed documents for submission.

Option to automatically combine various invoices (PDF format)   in ZIP file for uploading the data in SAP system.

Automated module to collect GRN data from SAP system of the principle.

Debit Note registers to cross check rate difference invoices.

Customerwise PO pending Report.

HSN wise / Itemwise Sales registers.
